A public letter to The Safe Team

Thank you for your comment, @CaptainTee.

I wholeheartedly apologise if that appeared to be the reason why I closed the thread. I absolutely did not close it for finding faults, which would be inacceptable. When I mentioned room for improvement in this comment, this was only part of my argumentation why, in my opinion, it made more sense to go with the original proposal on enabling transferability which had already been discussed and improved over a longer period of time. These improvements were also not the main argument.

The main argument was, as you also say, that @b1k00’s proposal on enabling transferability seemed to be a duplicate of the original proposal, in which case in my opinion it makes little sense to have the same topic discussed in two distinct proposals. I briefly mention that in the latter part of the comment linked above and meant to put this front and center, but I realise that this wasn’t very clear.

Absolutely. Please reconsider your decision to not be involved anymore, this would be such a loss to this DAO.

Please also see my following comment in direct response to your open letter.