Community Challenge: Identify Airdrop Farmers


I dont understand? 4 accounts? Upvotes?

I had one account and today I tried setting up and running multisig tasks. I have no idea what you mean.

I have no idea who these are ?? — All 3 (@lailelaodi, @gongzihu5 and @970839422)

Read this


Thanks, I re-read through it again and made more sense of it…

Basically - I assumed he was taling about something else when I had no Idea what he actually meant.

As I said, I didn’t even know what he meant by upvoting and assumed Id done it by mistake…

All I know is I was on spreadsheet a couple of months ago and now I’m not and I dont have tem accounts.

I was planning to set up some hardware and checked today and couldn’t find address.

Question 1: Since it is a multi-signature wallet, it must be signed and guarded by multiple wallets together
Question 2: In the witch condition, it is normal to sign multiple wallets in >= 10 addresses. Considering the airdrop share, a plan can be made. Only 2 addresses are airdropped in 10 addresses. Peacefully resolve the witch war

I’m very confused, would rather 28 bounty hunters hunt thousands of multi-signature users why not consider intercepting only those witch addresses that create 100+ or 500 5000

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A large number of retail addresses are reported maliciously, mainly 2, 3 and 4 in cities
Air drop hunters with malicious reports
Request to recheck the reporting list
Re verify the rewards for the whistleblower, and suggest that the lock in whistleblower receive a 10-year reward.
For whistleblowers who report maliciously, their rewards for reporting will be canceled directly

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The community challenge to identify potential airdrop farmers was started on September 8 and ran for 10 days. We received more than 500 submissions which we diligently reviewed.

Some numbers on the results:

  • 12,168 Safe addresses have been removed from the user allocation.
  • Remaining 43,575 Safe addresses are eligible for the $SAFE user allocation.
  • 2.9M $SAFE have been saved, redistributing 75% to the community and 25% as a reward, all under the same terms as the regular user allocation.
  • 29 Safe addresses are eligible to receive rewards for valid reports.

The majority of removed Safe addresses have been created via Staker. After pre-provisioning a number of Safe addresses, they were handed over to the users via swapping owner addresses. Many of these Safes were never used afterwards. They were considered after lowering the criteria from the initial proposal based on community feedback. While this might not be typical airdrop farming, they aren’t technically users that have made at least 1 transaction and were therefore considered valid reports.

Thank you to everyone who contributed. We have learned a lot and I would encourage everyone to leverage the community for this or similar tasks in the future.


Can you please release the final list :question:

The final list can be found in the GitHub safe-global repository (safe-global / safe-token / user-allocations / safes_tokens.csv)

Or a direct link:

Just a reminder: Make sure you search for your Safe address, not your Safe Owner/Creator address. Only Safes are eligible (and can be found on this list), not the individual users behind those Safes.


Thanks for this but it would be great to get a well arranged one not this raw file. If you have, please share

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Question 1: Since it is a multi-signature wallet, it must be signed and guarded by multiple wallets together
Question 2: In the witch condition, it is normal to sign multiple wallets in >= 10 addresses. Considering the airdrop share, a plan can be made. Only 2 addresses are airdropped in 10 addresses. Peacefully resolve the witch war

I’m very confused, would rather 28 bounty hunters hunt thousands of multi-signature users why not consider intercepting only those witch addresses that create 100+ or 500 5000

Since the emergence of community witch hunters, they have hunted down some vulnerable groups with multi-signature addresses, and were unscrupulously asked for 25% of the rewards.

They come from trying the security of multi-signature wallets and use new things like newborn cherry blossoms
Part of it comes from the multi-signature address of the programmer script that casts a lot of nets to win airdrops

Reward is one of DAO governance, but it would be cruel if the team would rather have 29 hunters to kill the vulnerable users among the 12168 by mistake.
‘Programmer scripts cast a large number of nets to win airdrops, except for multi-signature addresses’

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Since the emergence of community witch hunters, they have hunted down some vulnerable groups with multi-signature addresses, and were unscrupulously asked for 25% of the rewards.

They come from trying the security of multi-signature wallets and use new things like newborn cherry blossoms
Part of it comes from the multi-signature address of the programmer script that casts a lot of nets to win airdrops

Reward is one of DAO governance, but it would be cruel if the team would rather have 29 hunters to kill the vulnerable users among the 12168 by mistake.
‘Programmer scripts cast a large number of nets to win airdrops, except for multi-signature addresses’

Please share the extensive list of the 12,168 SAFE addresses that were disqualified seperating Farmers addresses from StakerApp addresses.

It is reasonable to think that the list will be helpful when a fellow web3 project launches same/similar exercise in the future just like how the Hop Exchange and Optimism Airdrop farmers list were helpful in the just concluded exercise.


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My address is not a airdrop farmer address,but I can not find it in the CSV ,please check it thanks!

My address was eligible before the community challenge and I had just one safe deployed. But now I’m not eligible, I couldn’t find my safe address in the CSV file. I’m not a farmer. My safe address - 0x7Df0030A28474e08472E4e74a84daEd235afCb9F

@ww941019 @aditya
Please read this report. Your addresses are likely contained in this report which is arguably considered the best report

I wanted to argue the report yesterday and disprove it wrong but after reading the report without unbias mind, I can see the reasoning and methodology used were too good to disprove

I only had 1 airdrop account and then was identified as an airdrop farmer. My example has been discussed by many people, and SAFE has evolved from “witch hunting” to “clearing inactive users” in the beginning. This is very funny, I have not received any response to my feedback so far. I’m not sure if I can get my airdrop reinstated either, I’m just angry because I was wronged.

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With unbiased mind, really? I created my safe back then like 2021 around Feb but my address was excluded :broken_heart:

Sacrificed early users of the safe for the airdrop hunters that joined after GIP upgrade💔

Hello. I really don’t know how I was chosen as a farmer.!
I have had at least one transaction on Ethereum and Arbitrum network.
I wish you would revise again
I only have one wallet.

i mistakenly created safe wallet with only one owner i was new to this multi signature thing. so i created second wallet with 3 owners and done transactions only on newly created wallet. i never done transactions on 1st wallet i could have done it if i wanted to farm this airdrop. please resconsider this case sir i got 224 tokens and now i am not eligigible due to newbie mistake. thanks in advance sir