Safe iOS & Android maintenance update

As part of finalizing the spin-off and migration to new domains, we’re updating access to the Ethereum Node API (Infura).

The update is already included in the Android app release 3.5.0 (available since November 2, 2022) and will be included in the iOS app release 3.18.1 (eta November 18, 2022).

Planned phase out of the existing Node API access is December 1, 2022.

To keep getting access to the full app functionality, we recommend users to update to a new Android version 3.5.0 and to an upcoming iOS version 3.18.1.

One week before the phase out we will make a public announcement and enable an in-app banner notifying of the soon deprecation of existing versions.

Thank you for your understanding and sorry for any inconvenience that it causes.